NJ E-Wealth
NJ Wealth
Invest with ONE OF

INDIA'S Largest

Mutual Fund Distributor

  • Mutual Fund
    Happy Investors
  • Mutual Fund
    Asset under advice in cr.
  • Mutual Fund
    Active Distributors

Investor Presence In India: Pincodes - 75.8% | Talukas - 85.3% | Cities - 95.5% | States & UTs - 97.2%

Note : Figures displayed above are as on 30/09/2024.

  • Do you want to have a simple online experience?
  • Do you need to secure your financial future?
  • Do you need a dedicated distributor for guidance?

One Platform for All Your Investment Needs

Mutual Fund
Your entire financial portfolio neatly organised at one place.
100% online
Experience industry leading paperless transaction features/solutions in one app
Dedicated distributor
Dedicated mutual fund distributor to guide you in your investment journey.

Many small decisions together make a huge difference in your investment journey. It's always better to have someone to guide you.
Open an NJ E-Wealth Account with one of India's largest mutual fund distributor and get your own dedicated mutual fund distributor.
Experience a truly digital investment world with easy access to a wide range of assets and products.

Be The Better Investor


Financial Products
Access a wide range of financial products under one window
Mutual Fund
Mutual Funds
Mutual Fund
Mutual Fund
bonds & fd
Mutual Fund
Mutual Fund
Loan against MF
Mutual Fund
Equity & etfs

* on upgraded plan

  • NJ EWA - MF is one of the most comprehensive platforms for managing investments in India. Some of its' features are unique in the industry, only offered by NJ.
    1. 100% online - any time, any where transaction
    2. Access to wide product basket under single roof
    3. Multiple Payment Modes – Net banking, NEFT, RTGS, ACH – Mandate, UPI, etc.
    4. Ready MF scheme portfolios to match diverse risk profiles and investment objectives
    5. Multiple modes of transaction – Mobile Application, Email, SMS and Call & Transact.
    6. Flexibility to add Multiple Banks to a single account
  • Any resident individual with a valid PAN Card can open NJ E-Wealth Account, with the completion of Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements.
  • You can check your KYC status at https://www.cvlkra.com/kycpaninquiry.aspx.
  • Technically no documents are required except for your wet signature image, if the system successfully verifies the all your details. However, in case the verification is not done automatically then just the bank proof is required.
  • No worries! You can still open the account. During the account opening process, we will ask you to upload KYC documents, namely PAN, Address Proof and your bank proof. If you choose to complete your KYC using your Aadhar, then Aadhar .XML file will be required which can be downloaded from https://resident.uidai.gov.in/offline-kyc